Choosing seed treatment products

SeedShield recommends you consult with your agronomist to ensure the seed treatment product is the optimal choice for your seed type and cropping program.

Nutrien’s team of technical agronomists offer a range of associated services to SeedShield customers such as soil and tissue testing, with interpretation that is specific to the nutritional requirements of your farm.


Our seed treatment product range

With the help of our agronomists, you can find the the right product for your needs. Our comprehensive range of products includes:    

llan awaken
genf tebu t
genfarm triadimenol
bayc evergol
bayc evergol prime
bayc gaucho red
bayc hombre ultra
basf cosmos
basf ilevo
basf poncho plus
syng apron
cruiser opti
cruiser 350
syng maxim
syng saltro
syng vibrance
rovral liquid
nufa p pickel

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