Professional seed grading and seed treating services

SeedShield has set the standard for innovative and professional mobile seed grading and treatment. We remove the need to transport grain to a processing plant, saving you time, effort and money.

Our partnership with Nutrien Ag Solutions means you have access to the best seed treatment products and agronomic advice.

services Merredin

SeedShield provides a comprehensive, mobile clean grading and treating process. The grading process cleans seed from any foreign material such as weeds, husk, straw and organic dust. Using a series of screens, the process also removes small seed. This is important as large seed have been shown to be healthier and perform better through the germination and seed emergence stages leading to improved crop yields.

In the seed grading process, it is important to apply a seed treatment for disease and insect protection. This will provide the best potential for a high quality and high yielding crop. The use of seed treatment will provide protection for: soil diseases, foliar and root diseases, seed diseases, and blackleg in canola.

Why chose SeedShield?

  • The SeedShield trucks provide a reliable and quick (up to 35 t/hour) seed grading service.
  • Support from qualified agronomists to assist you with seed treatment decisions
  • Large range of grains graded with over 60 screens available
  • Canola can be treated, loaded and weighed into Bulka Bags on-site
  • We only charge for clean seed tonnes
  • Grain can be graded to any specification
Why Choose seedShield

High quality seed for sowing

Quality control is an important part of the SeedShield grading and treatment process. There is proven correlation between quality of seed (size and treatment coverage) and the establishment of healthy plants. Often, when you have a larger seed of any grain variety, they develop into stronger seedlings that have greater yield potential.

So, good seed grading and seed treatment can improve results from one season to the next.

Clean seed, better treatment

Testing of grain samples processed by SeedShield have indicated that dust is removed to below the industry standard and seed treatment coverage is above industry accepted standard.

These grain samples show the results of our grading and treating. In this lab sample, dust has been removed from seed to below the industry standard of 4g/100kg. The reduced dust and other inert material has improved the seed treatment coverage score to a minimum of 3, above the industry standard of 1 to 2.

Visual Appearance and Dust off filter paper – Lupin
Visual Appearance and Dust off filter paper – Lupin
Visual Appearance and Dust off filter paper – Canola
Visual Appearance and Dust off filter paper – Canola

Learn more about Seed Grading

Learn more about Seed Treatment

We offer a variety of services

Seed Grading

The seed grading process cleans seed from foreign material such as weeds, husk, straw and organic dust. Using a series of screens, the SeedShield trucks also remove small seed. This is an important step in the grading process as large seed have been shown to perform better through the germination and seed emergence stages leading to improved crop yields.

The SeedShield trucks provide a reliable and quick (up to 35 t/hour) seed grading service with the added benefit of the entire process being conducted on your farm.

Seed Treatment

It is important to apply a seed treatment for disease and insect protection providing the best potential for a quality, high yielding crop.

The use of seed treatment will provide protection for: soil diseases; seed diseases; foliar & root diseases; and blackleg in canola. Each SeedShield truck carries a range of seed treatment products applicable to difference seed types and cropping operations. Nutrien’s team of agronomists can provide expert advice as to which seed treatments are recommended for your cropping program.


As a partner of Nutrien Ag Solutions, each SeedShield truck has access to a comprehensive range of seed treatment products. SeedShield’s professional operators are experienced in the application of all of these products.